Stacy Finz, San Francisco Chronicle, April 14, 2013 Keeping the farm in the family SF Chronicle
Sisters Michelle Vogt and Nicole Montna Van Vleck are the third gerneraion to run their family rice farm in Yuba City (Sutter County). They have also protected the land so it will remain in use as a farm and a bird habitat.
Cary Blake, Western Farm Press,
April 8, 2013 WHEP program a win
The Montna farming family of Dingville, CA., successfully integrates commercial rice production on its 3,000 acres of land with habitat enhancement practices which benefits waterbirds, thanks to a partnership with California’s Natural Resources Conservaton Services (NRCS).
“Sand County Foundation presents its Leopold Conservation Award to a private landowner who exemplifies the spirit of this emerging land ethic – an individual or a family who translates their deep abiding love for the land by leaving their land better than they found it.” …Sand County Foundation
Leopold Conservation Award 2010
By Ashley Gebb
, Appeal Democrat • February 13, 2009 12:09:16 AM
The sun isn’t just helping grow rice at Montna Farms — it is drying the grains, too.
The farming operation has partnered with MMA Renewable Ventures and SolarCity to help get off the grid. Montna Farms, which is one of the largest suppliers of short-grain rice in the United States, plans to supply 65 percent of its energy needs with two acres of solar panels.
Click here to read the full article on the Appeal Democrat’s website.
Handing Down the Family Farm: A living legacy
By Kate Campbell • June 8, 2006
“With sprawl eating up 2 million acres of undeveloped land a year, family like the Montnas in Sutter County work to protect wildlife habitat while continuing to farm. In the future, Nicole Montna Van Vleck and Michelle Vogt will operate the family’s farms in accordance with easement requirements for wildlife habitat conservation. The family has a diversified farming operation that includes drying and shipping rice.”
Click here to view or download a PDF of the entire AgAlert article.